

구약 성서의 배경과 문화

역대기 역사서에 나타난 이방인 이해


Understanding of the Gentiles in the Chronicler's Historical Books


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Understanding of the Gentiles in the Chronicler's Historical Books Hyeong-Geun So, Dr. theol. Professor, Department of General Education Namseoul University The purpose of this study is to understand the gentiles in the Chronicler's Historical Books. Compared to the previous era, members of the Judaean community in the postexilic period lived in the global period. Most of them experienced not only the Babylonian period, but also the Persian, therefore it is obvious that they were generous to gentiles. But on the contrary, they expressed hostility toward the gentiles in order to protect the identity of the Judaean community. In this paper the meaning of the hebrew words(‘ger’, ‘toshab’, ‘zar’, ‘nokri’[or ‘nekar’]), which were mentioned on the Chronicles and Ezra-Nehemiah in relation to the gentiles, are studied. As a result of the study, it is proved that the hebrew words ‘ger’, ‘toshab’, and ‘nokri’ were used in the Chronicles Books, but only 'nokri'(or 'nekar') in Ezra-Nehemiah. The understanding of the gentiles in the Chronicles remains consistent. All gentiles (‘ger’, ‘toshab’, ‘nokri’), who were living in the area of Judah, could be united with the israelite people according to the perspective of the Chronicler. The author of the Chronicles opened the way that all gentiles live in the land of Juda under the ideal of ‘all Israel’. In contrast, the gentile in Ezra-Nehemiah, who observed the Torah, were guaranteed to participate in the Passover festival; they were so called ‘ger’. However, the families of the ‘nokri’(or ‘nekar’), who did not obey the Torah and the law of Sabbath, had to be dissolved. It was because they were regarded as those who threatened the holy community of Judah. This paper argues that all gentiles in Ezra-Nehemiah were not rejected from the community of Judah, since the gentile ‘ger’ were accepted as members of the community. On the other hand, ‘nokri’(or ‘nekar’) were the target of the reform for Ezra and Nehemiah.


이 논문은 역대기 역사서에 나오는 이방인에 대한 새로운 연구다. 이 논문은 에스라-느헤미야서가 이방인에 대해 부정적이라는 기존 주장과는 달리, 이스라엘화 된 이방인 ‘게르’는 유다 공동체에 수용하는 입장을 취하지만, 율법을 파기하는 ‘노크리’(혹은 ‘네카르’)는 가정해체라는 매서운 개혁이 적용되고 있기 때문에, 에스라-느헤미야서에는 이방인에 대해 차별적 처우가 있었음을 이 논문에서 밝히고 있다.


1. 서론
 2. 히브리어 이방인의 용례
 3. 역대기 역사서에 나타난 이방인
  1) 역대기의 이방인
  2) 에스라-느헤미야서의 이방인
 4. 결론
 5. 참고문헌


  • 소형근 Hyeong-Geun So. 남서울대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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