


메뚜기 재앙(출 10:3-20) 이해


The Plague Fallen Upon the Land


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Plague Fallen Upon the Land Sok-Chung Chang, Ph.D Professor, Department of Christian Studies Kwandong University Why do we have the account on the plague of locusts? In what sense the swarm of locusts becomes the plague at the time of Exodus? This study intends to analyze the narrative of the eighth plague, the plague of locusts in Exodus 10:3-20. The usage of the words denoting ‘the land’ indicates that the main target of the plague is directed to the land itself, not the plants on the land. The locusts made the land of Egypt desolate and barren, so that the people of Egypt and Israel could not live there. Especially many locusts made the land dark and covered the ‘eye of the land’. This resulted in the consequence that the Egyptians could not see the land at all. Also instead of the expression such as ‘the plants’, the author uses the phrase ‘the plants in the land’ in the text in order to indicate that the focus of the text is ‘the land’. When Moses prayed, those locusts were removed. The text maintains that “not a single locust remained in all the land of Egypt”. To the author the purpose of the plague is the complete destruction of the locusts, especially from the land of Egypt. Many thought that the real victims of this plague were the plants and trees. However, a close analysis of the narrative of the plague shows that there is only one victim, that is, the land of Egypt. This land became desolate and the locusts did make it happen. Of course, the plants and trees were needed because the locusts wanted something to consume. But eventually the locusts were those which made the land of Egypt uninhabitable. Thus, the plague of the locusts was “the plague fallen upon the land”.


이 논문은 출애굽기에 기록된 열 가지 재앙들 가운데, 여덟 번째 재앙인 메뚜기 재앙(출 10:3-20)에 대한 분석적 연구로 이 재앙에 대한 기존의 이해에 대한 새로운 시각을 제공하려는 시도이다. 저자는 이 논문에서 각 절마다 나타나는 ‘땅’에 대한 연관성과 이미지들은 이 재앙의 ‘땅’과의 연관성을 더욱 강조해 주는 것을 밝힌다. 또한 ‘땅’이라고 번역될 수 있는 명사들과, 동사들의 사용빈도를 분석하여, 메뚜기 재앙은 ‘땅에 내린 재앙’임을 보여준다.


1. 서론
 2. 본론
  1) 재앙의 예고: 3-6절
  2) 바로의 신하들의 반응: 7절
  3) 바로와 모세의 대화: 8-11절
  4) 메뚜기 재앙: 12-15절
  5) 바로의 간청 : 16-17절
  6) 사라진 재앙과 바로의 완강함: 18-20절
 3. 어휘들의 사용빈도로 본 ‘땅’
 4. 결론
 5. 참고문헌


  • 장석정 Sok-Chung Chang. 관동대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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