



Factors of Denasalizing Process in Japanese Prenasalized Consonants



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this article is to propose a strategy to detect factors of a sound change by interpreting written texts. In the area of research in Japanese sound changes, written documents have been mainly used in order to inquire what sound changes occurred and when they occurred. A large number of scholars are liable to conceive that there are few issues that should be examined by written texts in this field.
However, the scrutiny of well-known documents provides us with valuable sources that enable us to develop a new approach to dynamic aspects of a sound change. In this article, we deal mainly with Ken-syuku-ryou-ko syuu and Wazi syouran syou We discuss issues of the denasalizing process of prenasalized consonants in the 17th century.
It is worth while to note that a phenomenon concerning this denasalizing was perceived in different manners by different documents. Some scholars may be apt to ask which document is better for us to access accurate information.
However, such question is not adequate to our study. Interestingly, each document reflects each different aspect of the same linguistic phenomenon. This fact enables us to analyze aspects of the denasalizing process from diversified viewpoints. For this reason, it is significant for us to investigate into background of each document. That investigation reveals some factors of the
denasalizing process.


0. 問題の所在と本論文の目的
1. 本論文で主對象とする文獻と音化
2. 文獻間の相違に見る認識差
3. 縮鼓集における『發音の亂れ』認識
4. 『濁るといふも其の氣息の始を鼻へ洩すばかりにて』の解釋
5. 縮鼓集が撥音に注意を向けた理由
6. 前鼻音要素弱化の動的側面
7. 殘された問題


  • 高山知明 Takayama Tomoaki. 김택대학 조교수, 일본어학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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