

Polyclonal Antibody to a 37-kDa Recombinant Protein Derived from Bovine 20α-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase



We prepared the polyclonal antibody anti-20α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (anti-20α-HSD) against the recombinant full-length protein bovine 20α-HSD in Escherichia coli. The specificity of anti-20α-HSD was demonstrated using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells transfected with recombinant bovine 20α-HSD and bovine placental tissues. According to western blot analysis, anti-20α-HSD specifically recognizes the 37-kDa protein bovine 20α-HSD. The protein is not present in untransfected CHO cells. Anti-20α-HSD also recognizes a specific protein in the ovaries and placenta of other animals. Immunostaining was used to detect expression of bovine 20α-HSD protein in the cultured luteal cells during the estrous cycle later.


  Preparation of Bovine 20α-HSD cDNA
  Cells and Transfections
  Production of Polyclonal Antibody
  Bovine CL Cell Culture
  Western Blot Analysis


  • Purevjargal Naidansuren Animal Biotechnology, Graduate School of Bio & Information Technology, Institute of Genetic Engineering, Hankyong National University
  • Kwan-Sik Min Animal Biotechnology, Graduate School of Bio & Information Technology, Institute of Genetic Engineering, Hankyong National University


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