

전후 일본인들의 가치관 변화에 관한 고찰 - 일본인의 국민성연구결과를 중심으로 -


A Study of Japanese people's belief systems changes since the 1950's : Focused on the Japanese National Character Researches by the Institute of Statistical Mathematics


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



According to Japanese national character study by the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japanese national traits and belief systems have changed since the 1950s. Their changes due to the influences of rapid economic growth, urbanization, and enhancement of education level. And They was partly inverted during in the 1970s or 1990s. For examples, Japanese traditional usual practices have been weakened such as following precedents without reserve, adopting a child, worshiping ancestors, discrimination between male and female, and inclination of valuing national interests above one's. The other way, lifestyle of enjoying leisure and hobby better than making money, tendency of preferring conservation of nature to exploitation, and inclination of taking a serious view of family have been strengthened. Meanwhile there are some national characters in which have been hardly changed. Harmonious interpersonal relations taking precedence of personal capacity in a social organization, setting a high value on filial duty and labor, thoughtful consideration for others or the whole, and patriotic sentiments are hardly changed until recently.


1. 서문
 2. 개인 신념 및 가족생활 관련 의식
  (1) 자연관과 종교관
  (2) 대인관(對人觀) 및 도덕관
  (3) 삶의 방식
  (4) 가족생활 관련 의식
 3. 사회 및 조직 생활 관련한 의식
  (1) 업무처리에 대한 관례와 소신과의 관계
  (2) 선호되는 인물의 타입
  (3) 취업과 근로정신
  (4) 일본인들의 성격
  (5) 일본인 특성의 국제비교
 4. 국가 및 정치 관련 의식
  (1) 정치관련 의식
  (2) 국가와 개인생활
  (3) 애국심
 5. 결론 : 일본인들의 의식 변화와 불변성


  • 李利範 이이범. 국민대학교 일본학연구소 책임연구원, 일본문화


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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