

예비초등교사용 TEE 인증 평가 개발


How to Design and Develop a Pre-service Teacher Evaluation Program for TEE Qualification.

홍경선, 양효선, 이재영, 현계련

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



How to Design and Develop a Pre-service Teacher Evaluation Program for TEE Qualification. Journal of Linguistic Studies 16(2), 53-76. The purpose of this study is to develop an assessment program for TEE(Teaching English In English) qualification of the students in teachers college at Jeju National University in order to improve their English proficiency and teaching skills. This TEE qualification program was designed on both pre-service and in-service teacher needs analysis; 221 students were surveyed along with 80 teachers at public elementary schools on Jeju Island. With the opinions from both parties collected, we have decided to include the teaching performances. There are two parts of an evaluation procedure; an interview section and a storybook section. In the interview section we assessed students' English proficiency by using Solom scales including comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. In the storybook section we evaluated teaching skills by using such three categories as lesson planning, practice and techniques, and teacher's language use. To increase the validity and reliability inter-rater and intra-rater differences were controlled. But the focus of the program is on the after-the-test measures in encouraging the low-group students to achieve the minimum target levels before their graduation. Extra courses such as English clinic courses and conversation courses were provided during the following vacation periods so that they can improve their teaching skills and English proficiency to the target levels, while some advantageous opportunities provided for the excellent group.


 1. 서론
 2. TEE 인증제 도입을 위한 현황 분석
  2.1 현직 교사 인식 분석
  2.2 예비 교사 인식 분석
 3. TEE 수업 평가도구 개발 및 적용
  3.1 평가요인 확정 및 평가도구 개발
  3.2 평가도구 적용 및 결과
 4. 결론 및 제언


  • 홍경선 Hong, Kyoung-Sun. 제주대학교
  • 양효선 Yang, Hyoseon. 제주대학교 부설초등학교
  • 이재영 Lee Jaeyoung. 제주대학교
  • 현계련 Hyun Keyryeon. 노형초등학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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