With the recent growing need to focus on effective communication skills in the English classroom, it is recommended that an English class be co-taught by Korean- and English-native speaking teachers. It is shown that the presence of the native English teacher make some important contributions to English education in Korea, giving students language stimulation and motivation, as well as correcting speaking, proof reading, and editing. However, in spite of their important role in English education, their thoughts and opinions are not reflected in actual policy English education in the Korean education system. Accordingly, the main purpose of the present paper is two-fold: one is to examine the status quo of English education in Korean schools; the other is to make some suggestions for the future direction of English education in Korea. To achieve this goal, the present study conducts the questionnaire which asks native English teachers' opinions toward English education in Korea. It is expected that their opinions will provide valuable insights into the practical communication and information on language policies and practices in Korea.
1. 서론
2. 원어민교사 활용에 관한 이전 연구 검토
3. 연구 방법
3.1 연구 참여자
3.2 설문지의 구성
4. 설문 분석 및 논의
4.1 학급규모 및 시수
4.2 수업태도
4.3 수업 내용 및 운영
4.4 수업 자료 및 의사소통
5. 결론 및 제언