

기획 논문: 재외 한국문학과 한국어교육

독립국가연합(CIS)지역 고려인 후속세대를 위한 모국수학과정 교육프로그램 개선 방향


Study program in Home country for overseas koreans for the korea descendants in CIS region: suggestions for improvement


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Study program in Home country for overseas koreans for the korea descendants in CIS region: suggestions for improvement Jeong, Hyung-geun It is processing apace to increase the exchange of various personal and material resources beyond borders. In this situation the neccesity of so-called ‘transnationalism’ has been suggested , which social identity isn't always in accord with ethnic identity in. This study is a research on korea descendants staying in Commonwealth of Independent States in a long history of Immigration. This study can be expected to make a contribution toward restoring the homogeneity of Korean and play a role as great mediator between original country of residence and home country. I intended to draw several conclusions through surveys and In-depth Interviews on korea descendants. After conducting a survey, they are somewhat inferior to overseas Koreans from other area. In particular, they experience difficulties in learning Korean at the beginning due to difference of pronunciation between Russian and Korean. Therefore, they presented their wish of improving Korean speaking. They mostly showed lots of interests in Korean traditional culture. It is considered because of the previous 98․한어문교육 제26집 generation's influence who has tried to preserving inherent traditional culture. There were many opinions that they want to stay in Korea hereafter and demands for institutional improvement of expanding scholarship funding and solution of difficulty in issuing visa. Thus, the opportunity of learning through various experience should be provided for raising them as both global talented person within ethnic identity and expert of a certain field. There will be need of developing effective teaching methods to reinforce pronunciation training for beginners. The Korean Government should expand more active educational program managed by government expense like Israel's Ulpan.


Ⅰ. 시작하며
 Ⅱ. 본문
  1. 고려인 이주의 역사와 현지 한국어 교육의 현황 및 과제
  2. 고려인 후속세대 모국수학생 의식조사 결과 분석
  3. 국내 모국수학 교육프로그램 개선 방향
 Ⅲ. 마치며


  • 정형근 Jeong, Hyung-geun. 공주대학교 한민족교육문화원 재외동포교육센터


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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