The Current Situation and Tasks of Korean Education in Pan-Pearl River Delta
The Current Situation and Tasks of Korean Education in Pan-Pearl River Delta. Quan You-Wei Lijiao Since Korea has established diplomatic relations with China in 1992, the Korean education has been actively progressing along withthe external factors, such as the Korean wave, the implement of Foreign Employment Permit System, the atmosphere of studying abroad along with the economic development, the investment towards China and the entry to the Chinese market of Korean enterprises, the Policy of attracting foreign students established by the Korean government, and so on. The Korean education in China has been mainly achieved in the North, where the three provinces in Northeast China are treated as the center. According to the incomplete statistics, at present, there are about 244 institutes which implement Korean education nationwide. When comparing the number of Korean students and the actual market demand, the Korean education in the North China has been saturated now. Since 2000, the main regions of Korean education has been gradually transferred from the North to the South, focusing on Yangtze River Delta and Pan-Pearl River Delta. This closely relates to the public investment situation of Korean enterprises. According to the data, since 1998, the main regions of the public investment of Korean enterprises has been gradually 44․한어문교육 제26집 transferred from Bo Hai Coastal Region, where the investment was active in the past, to Yangtze River Delta and Pan-Pearl River Delta. Wishing that Korean education in China would keep continuous progress, the reason why Korean education is in vogue in the South, which is strikingly different from the North, has been analyzed and the current situation and tasks of Korean education in Pan-Pearl River Delta has been proposed in this thesis.
Ⅱ. 범주강삼각주지역의 한국어 교육 현황
1. 한국어학과의 지역적 분포와 규모
2. 한국어학과 교수진 현황
3. 한국어 학과 교과과정 현황
4. 취업현황
Ⅲ. 문제점과 제언
1. 교사 자질 향상 교육 실시의 필요성
2. 교과과정의 체계성과 적합성
3. 학생모집 문제
Ⅳ. 나오는 말