

기획 논문: 재외 한국문학과 한국어교육

캐나다한인문학의 정체성과 방향


The Identity and Direction of Korean Literature in Canada


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



【Abstract】 The Identity and Direction of Korean Literature in Canada Song, Myung-hee This article looks over where Korean literature in Canada tried to find their literature’s identity from Lee Seokhyun, Park Chungdo, and Park Minkyu’s reviews. In the earlier times of immigration, Korean literature in Canada could not get out of Korea and Korean literature, so called filiation. The reviews urge Korean literature in Canada to find new affiliation, Canadian literature, instead of Korean literature, filiation. By the way, it is faced with difficulties, like language barrier and power between Canadian mainline literary world, and Korean literary world as ethnic minority’s. Park Chungdo suggested a solution to the problems that was to have Korean Canadian who can speak English help them to create literature in English. But Park Minkyu realized that it was not just a linguistic problem. Because of the power between major white society and minor colored society, he thought, although Korean literature is created in local language, they can’t overcome easily glass ceiling. Anyways, Korean Canadian writers have found literary identity to pursue as a subcategory by getting out of Korean literature gradually. But is that desirable? Canada has a mosaic society, a multicultural society which ethnically, linguistically, and culturally diverse people live in harmony keeping their uniqueness. Therefore, they need harmony more between filiation and affiliation than cutting off with filiation. Especially, to make a mosaic society, complete cutting off with filiation is not desirable. Because many races in Canada should have their own uniqueness. Korean Canadians have already twofold identities. That is, they belong to two countries, Korea and Canada, but they can’t belong to the mainstream of any nation. From a marginal man’s position which Korean Canadians have, they can embody the problems that they can’t create works in Korean diaspora’s life, and consolidation and assimilation of two cultures. I think it is the direction of identity that Korean literature in Canada should pursue.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 본론
  1. 캐나다한인문단의 형성
  2. 캐나다한인문학의 정체성 변화
 Ⅲ. 결론-캐나다한인문학의 정체성과 방향


  • 송명희 Song, Myung-hee. 부경대학교 국어국문학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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