A study for Estimating the preservation Value of Heritage Tourism Resource by a Double-bound Contingent Valuation Method - focus on the Hahoe traditional village -
The study aimed to estimate the preservation value of Hahoe traditional village and suggest alternatives to preserve it as the world cultural heritage. Contingent valuation method(CVM) was used for quantitative research. To evaluate contingent valuation of Hahoe traditional village, a scenario was composed referring prior research and, depth interview was adapted for qualitative research. The data was collected from 400 of visitors who agreed to attend the survey. The result of contingent valuation of Hahoe traditional village as the world cultural heritage was 76,125,705,733 won per year. the 48.5% of respondents accepted to pay money for preservation from 2,000 won to 500,000 won. In general, WTP(willingness to pay) per person was calculated as an average amount of money between average WTP per person and truncated WTP. In this study, the average WTP per person was 277,216 won and the truncated WTP was 205,879 won. Based on two results, WTP per person was assumed as 205,879 won. The improvement of system relating preservation of traditional village is required and setting up the criteria of preservation and guideline are urgent issues. The study has valuable meanings that show the way how to manage traditional village and what is the role of the people who concerned the village.
I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
1. 문화자원가치 개념
2. 문화자원의 평가방법
3. 가상적 가치측정법 적용과 이중양분 선택형 (DB-DC) 모형
4. 문화유산자원 관련 CVM 선행연구
III. 연구조사 설계
1. CVM 시장 시나리오 설계
2. 시나리오 구성
3. 조사 설계 및 자료수집
IV. 조사결과 분석
1. 안동하회마을 관광객 특성
2. 보존가치 평가 관련 특성
3. 하회마을의 보전가치 추정 결과
V. 결론