A Study on the Destination Life Cycle - Focused on Jeju between the Period of 1962 and 2009 -
The attempts on the modeling developmental processes of destinations have been constantly studied by the field of tourism and there have been attempts to overcome weaknesses of the existing destination life cycle especially through applying various destination life cycle theories. Destination Life Cycle(DLC) is the theoretical concept that the tourist destination has experienced the life cycle with the birth, growth and death as if it were an organism. The purpose of this study is in order to understand the destination life cycle of Jeju ; for this purpose, the study model was designed through theoretical study and the process was estimated through verification. The analysing method applied to the verification of the study models is the Logistic Curve Model adopted by Lundtorp and Wanhill. However, some problems were found out if the estimated values and actual values are compared from the study model. Therefore based on the analysis of verification results, revision model was researched. It is possible to explain the current condition. Consequently, it is possible to observe that destination life cycle of Jeju for 48 years from 1962 to 2009 can be divided into first period is considered to be from the year of 1962 to 1998 and the second period is considered to be from the year of 1999 to the present.
I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
1. 관광지 수명주기 (DLC) 선행 연구
2. 관광지 수명주기 (DLC) 모델의 발전
III. 연구설계
1. 연구모델의 설계
2. 연구모델의 추정방법
IV. 분석결과
1. 연구모델의 검증
2. 수정모델의 탐색
3. 수정모델에 따른 관광지 수명주기 (DLC) 발전단계 추정
V. 결론
1. 연구의 요약과 시사점
2. 연구의 한계와 연구방향