

Discourse Analysis on Language Education in a Korean Language School : What Knowledge They Pursue?


Seokhan Kang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Journal of Linguistic Studies 4, 1-15. This paper primarily aims to examine what kind of knowledge a teacher and students in a Korean language class pursue. To analyze the collected data, it applies some sociolinguistic concepts, while psycholinguistic and etymological philosophy are adopted to discuss the classified discourse by following sociolinguistic methods. This paper reveals that the discourse produced in this particular classroom highly pursues the objective knowledge : the truth of what is asserted by some ethical sentences is independent of the person who uses this sentence, the time at which he uses it, and the place where he uses it.
This objectivity in language education can be criticized by Vygosky's viewpoint that students do not simply acquire linguistic vocabulary, but positively take part in shaping knowledge by connecting it in the classroom with their social experience.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Study
 3. Data and Study Limitation
 4. Analyzing the Data
  4.1 Defining
  4.2 Correcting
  4.3 Fact memorizing
  4.4 Summarizing
  4.5 Silencing
  4.6 Controlling the amount of speech
  4.7 Describing
 5. Discussion
  5.1 Objective knowledge
  5.2 The stream of knowledge in the objective world
  5.3 Implication for language class


  • Seokhan Kang Cheju Tourism College


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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