


‘게’(偈)의 초창기 연행형태와 성격에 대한 검토 : 『묘법연화경』을 중심으로


An Examination of the Characteristics and Entrained Phrases of Early Types in Gae(偈) : focused on Lotus Sutra(妙法蓮華經)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



An Examination of the Characteristics and Entrained Phrases of Early Types in Gae(偈) - focused on Lotus Sutra](妙法蓮華經) - Park, Jeong-Ryen This study aims to review and analyse the original feature of Yeongsan-hoisang(靈山會上) in Myobub-yeonhwa-gyeong(妙法蓮華經=法華經) which described the buddhism song of Yeongchuisan. Especially, this analysis focused on the formation and the characteristics of ‘Gae’. To analyse, chapter two(II) reviewed the formation and contents of the 28 Pum(form)s, and chapter three(III) classified these ‘Gae’s into ‘Gae-song’(偈頌: recite), ‘Gae-chan’(偈讚: praise) and ‘Gae-eon’(偈言: saying) as the characteristics. ‘Gae-song’ was consisted of five sayings, which forms a short verse form with 8-24 phrases. ‘Gae-chan’ was consisted of verse form which have four or five sayings showing more short phrase pattern compared to ‘Gae-song’, and showed a chorus form singing together or solo. ‘Gae-eon’ was consisted of longer verse form compared to ‘Gae-song’ or ‘Gae-chan’ and composed of 22 forms among 28 forms in Myobub-yeonhwa-gyeong, which illustrate typical formation of Yeongchuisan-hoi-sang. In addition, this Gae-eon' showed more diverse forms of song such as solo, chorus, and bridge song, or AABA form compared to show ‘Gae-song’ or ‘Gae-chan’.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 『묘법연화경』의 체제와 내용
 Ⅲ. 『묘법연화경』에서 ‘게’(偈)의 연행형태와 특징
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 박정련 Park, Jeong-Ryen. 부산대학교 한국음악학과.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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