

제3부 일반연구논문

의료분쟁조정법상 의료사고보상사업의 헌법적 쟁점


A Constitutional Review on Compensation for Medical Malpractice during Delivery


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A medical malpractice case requires special legal protection, considering its characteristics, such as seriousness and long term effects of its damages, medical information asymmetry between practitioners and patients, and difficulties in realization of liability. Taking the points above into consideration, Medical Malpractice Arbitration Act of 2012(MAA) has legislative intent to protect the rights of the injured from medical malpractice, while protecting the stability of medical practice by providing arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution. However, constitutional review is required for one new scheme of compensation for medical injuries during delivery, which is implemented in MAA of 2012, especially with regard to freedom to exercise occupation, property, equality under the Constitution. Two important aspects are 1. according to the law, absolute liability applies to compensation for damages during delivery without negligence of practitioners; and 2. the practitioner bears some portion of the cost, 30% in the law above. This article aims to analyze this new institution in various aspects of the Constitution, and, as a result, it does not comply with constitutional criteria.


I. 문제의 제기
  1. 판단대상인 법률 및 시행령의 시행상황
  2. 판단대상인 법률 및 시행령의 내용
  3. 문제 및 이 글의 구성
 II. 의료사고의 특수성과 권리구제에 대한 배려의 필요성
 III. 헌법소원심판청구의 적법요건에 대한 판단
  1. 헌법소원심판 청구요건 일반
  2. 이 사안에 있어서 헌법소원심판청구의 적법성
  3. 補論; 위임의 구체성과 헌법소원심판청구
 IV. 의료분쟁조정법의 권리구제방법
  1. 입법목적
  2. 조정 및 중재
  3. 의료배상 공제조합
  4. 불가항력에 의한 의료사고보상
  5. 손해배상금 대불제도
 V. 의료사고로 인한 피해와 무과실책임
  1. 쟁점
  2. 헌법과 과실책임의 원칙
  3. 무과실책임의 필요성과 가능성
  4. 의료사고보상과 무과실책임
 VI. 분만에 따른 의료사고에 있어서 무과실책임 및 비용분담의 문제
  1. 분만과 의료사고
  2. 심사기준
  3. 비례의 원칙에 따른 심사
 VII. 요약 및 정리


  • 전광석 Cheon Kwang Seok. 연세대학교 법학전문대학원 교수, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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