

제2부 월간학술대회 발표논문

성년후견과 의료 - 개정 민법 제947조의 2를 중심으로 -


The Adult Guardianship and Medical Issue According to the Amendments of Civil Code


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The adult guardianship system has been introduced through amendments of Korean Civil Code for the first time in the March 2011(Act No. 10429, 7. 1. 2013. enforcement). The adult guardianship system has the main purposes to provide a lot of help vulnerable adults and elderly, and protect them on the welfare related with property act, treatment, care, etc. There could be a controversy about whether the protection Legal Guardian's consent(formerly known as the Mental Health Act) or permission of the Family Court(revised Civil Code) are required to, or the Mental Health Act should be revised, when mental patient will be hospitalized forcibly. The author proposes that mental patient with Adult guardians should be determined by Legal Guardian's consent and approval of the Family Court, but mental patient without Adult guardians could be determined by Legal Guardian's consent. The issue of Withdrawing of life-sustaining treatment could be occurred due to the aging society and the development of modern medicine, and this has provided difficult, various problems to mankind in Legal, ethical, and social welfare aspects. The need of Death with dignity law or Natural death law has been reduced for a revision of the Civil Code. Therefore, on the issue of Withdrawing of life-sustaining treatment, in the future, intervention of the court is necessary in accordance with the revised Civil Code Section, and Organ Transplantation Act and the brain death criteria may serve as an important criterion.


I. 서론
 II. 정신병원 등에 격리와 가정법원의 허가 문제
  1. 문제점
  2. 정신보건법의 정신질환의 입원유형 및 보호의무자에 의한 입원에 대한 비판
  3. 정신질환의 다양한 임상양상
  4. 개정 민법 시행에 따른 정신보건법의 보호의무자에 의한 입원의 해석론
 III. 연명치료 중단과 성년후견 제도
  1. 개정 민법의 신상보호 규정의 도입
  2. 외국의 입법 현황
  3. 우리나라에서 연명치료 중단에 관한 특별법의 필요성 여부
  4. 개정 민법 및 현행 법제에서 가정법원의 연명치료 중단의 허용 요건
 IV. 결론


  • 박호균 Park, Ho-Kyun. 벌률사무소히포크라 변호사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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