

음주로 인한 산재사고의 급여제한 방안에 대한 연구


A Study on Improvement Measures for restricting compensation of Industrial Accident caused by drunkenness


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Drunk driving is already one of the biggest social problems, which threatens other people’s lives. In addition, it is very dangerous for workers because it may lead themselves to be injured or killed.
Related to this problem, industrial accident compensation insurance law is in favor of workers who are drunk and cause accidents in their work places when a minimal flaw is detected in the facilities. Therefore, there should be a measure to correct this situation. For the accidents caused by drunkenness it is suggested partially or entirely limit for the compensation for these workers in the institutional system, setting up the standard about these accidents.
It is also suggested that the compensation for the workers who drink for the personal reason should be limited even if the accidents would be approved as job-related disasters when a flaw is found in the facilities where they work.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 음주로 인한 산업재해 실태
  1. 음주운전 및 음주작업의 위험성
  2. 사업장내 음주현황
  3. 음주 관련 산재보험 현황
 Ⅲ. 근로기준법과 산재보험법의 급여제한사유 비교
  1. 근로기준법에서의 급여제한 사유
  2. 산업재해보상법에서의 급여제한 사유
  3. 근로기준법과 산재보험법에서의 급여제한 사유 비교
 Ⅳ. 다른 보험제도의 급여제한 사유 비교
  1. 국민건강보험법
  2. 공무원연금법
  3. 자동차보험
  4. 각 보험별 급여제한 사유 비교 및 시사점
 Ⅴ. 외국 산재보험에서 급여제한 사유 비교
  1. 독일 산재보험에서 급여제한 사유
  2. 일본 산재보험에서 급여제한 사유
  3. 중국 산재보험에서 급여제한 사유
  4. 각국의 산재보험에서 급여제한 사유 비교
 Ⅵ. 음주와 관련한 산재사고 판례 검토
  1. 음주 운전 사고
  2. 사적 사유로 음주상태로 출근하여 발생한 사고
  3. 판례 및 심사결정 사례에 대한 소결
 Ⅶ. 음주로 인한 산재사고의 급여제한 방안
 Ⅷ. 결론


  • 김진수 Kim, Jin Su. 근로복지공단(전주지사)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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