

日本における経済成長と環境 -公害· 環境規制をめぐる「法と政策」の視点から-


Economic Growth and Environmental Protection in Japan : From the perspective of Environmental Law and Policy

일본における경제성장と환경 -공해· 환경규제をめぐる「법と정책」の시점から-

岩崎 恭彦

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In Japan, the problem of environmental pollution [public nuisance] actualized as the negative side in the process leading to high economic growth from postwar reconstruction. About the relief and prevention of pollution damage, the efforts by some local governments preceded first. On the other hand, the efforts by the national government, under the idea of trying to promote the industry as a national policy, were limited to emergency measures. Then, as a turning point that Four Major Pollution Related Diseases occurred, Basic Law for Environmental Pollution (1967) was enacted and the Environment Agency was established as competent authority of environmental policy. Thereby, the legal systems of the regulations for the sources of pollution based on environmental quality standards and effluent standards came to be established.
However, in the 1980s, under the influence of the oil crisis, environmental policy stagnated and retreated. The essential factor was that “urban and lifestylerelated pollution” has expanded; it was caused by a significant shift in industrial structure. Nowadays, in addition to the measures on the industrial pollution issues, the measures on “urban and lifestyle"]related pollution” or global environmental issues are required. However, against those problems, the traditional regulation technique [command and control approach] does not fit easily and the comprehensive planning measures are needed. And those circumstances led to the enactment of the Basic Environment Law(1993).


 I.戰前· 戰後期の公害· 環境政策
  1. 公害問題の發生と激化
  2. 戦後初期における公害・環境政策
  1. 公害対策基本法の制定とその意義
  2. この時期に整備された主要な法制度
 III.公害· 環境政策の停滞· 後退!?
  1. 停滞・後退する公害・環境政策
 IV. 環境基本法の制定
  1. 環境基本法制定の背景
  2. 環境基本法の概要


  • 岩崎 恭彦 Yasuhiko Iwasaki. 三重大學人文學部法律経濟學科准敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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