

판소리 명창 송순섭의 삶과 예술관


Pansori master life and view of art Song Soon Seop


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



People used to call Unsan Song Soon Seop Master of Pansori, a man of never give in to adversity or tenacity singer. Relatively late age in his 22, he started practicing Pansori and learned from various renowned Masters like Gong Dae Il, Kin Joon Sup, Park Bong Sul, Kim You Su, coming and going Gwangju, Busan, Seoul. Specially, he learned almost 20 years from his teacher Park Bong Sul , , . He is the only person who mastered fully that <3 madang>. Thus currently, he is evaluated a Master, as being a successor of Dongpyeonje Pansori connecting tradition after ‘Song Hong Rok - Song Wu Ryong – Song Man Gap –Park Bong Rae – Park Man Jo –Park Bong Sul.’ But for Unsan, it took 50 years fro him to became such a figure. During the period, he learned from number of teachers not to mention of his endless self study. Even after over his 50, he practiced continuously his own Sori-Korean traditional sing, while brought up his students, as a result of which in 1994, at his age 54, he could win finally Jangwon-Presidential Prize at Jeonjudaesasup Competition. In the year 2000, he fell down in sick due to stroke while putting his best effort for the development of Pansori the country’s cultural asset. However, he never yield to such misfortune with determination to die while performing Sori, thus, he could complete sing for 3 hours for which finally he was designated as a Holder of Important Intangible Cultural Heritage No.5 Pansori in May, 2002. This is the reason why Unsan is being called a man of chiljunpalki- never give in adversity or tenacity singer. Also, , he worked 24 years in Busan the place where he could have special ties by his teacher Park Bong Sul for the development of Kukak-Korean classical music –of Busan with his best effort. As stated, the reason he devoted his life time to Sori is his thought that Sori contains the spirit of our Nation for which he directed various Changguk performances –Koreal traditional Opera_ such as , , etc. In addition, he put emphasis on Saseol, rather than formal technique, because he has a belief that the true strength of Pansori lies in breathing together and communicating with public through singing the truth of life. In conclusion, Unsan is a Sorigawangdae truly loves Pansori desires many people to feel & enjoy the beauty & value of Pansori, as being a Master in our age who could devote his life for it


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 삶과 활동
  1. 어린 시절과 어머니
  2. 판소리 입문 및 스승들과의 만남
  3. 소리꾼으로서의 활동
 Ⅲ. 운산의 예술관
  1. 민족적 주체의식 고취
  2. 관객과의 진정한 소통 추구
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 박길희 Park, Gil-Hee. 순천대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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