

신라에서 고려로 군현제 구성과 운영체계의 변화 - 전라도 지역을 중심으로


Transformation of Local Administrative Systems from Silla through Goryeo – Focusing on Jeolla-do Area


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study compares local administrative systems of Silla and Goryeo and explores the continuity and the transformation of the systems. The study reviews the formation of each Gun(county) and Hyeon(prefecture), the changes in the titles of Guns and Hyeons, and the changes in the administration systems among Guns and Hyeons. Most of the Guns and Hyeons in Jeonju and Muju area from unified Silla had been succeed to Guns and Hyeons in Jeonju and Naju area during Goryeo. In general each Gun and Hyeon from Silla maintained its status in Goryeo. It is noticeable that Guns and Hyeons continued to be fundamental regional administrative units with autonomy. Around half of the Guns and Hyeons from Silla retained their titles in Goryeo. When title change occurred, it usually replaced proper names. For example, Muju from Silla changed into Gwangju in Goryeo. Sometimes Goryeo adopted titles from Later Baekje and Taebong. Goryeo also borrowed titles from China. This resulted from cultural exchanges with China during Later Three Kingdoms period. Despite the changes in the titles of Guns and Hyeons, the promotion of Up status was rarely found. Silla had Gun and Hyeon system where each Gun governs one through four Hyeons. In Jeonju and Muju area, there were 26 Gun and Hyeon units of similar sizes. Gun and Hyeon system functioned as a unit to mobilize labors. Goryeo operated its Juup(principal province) and Sokup(subsidiary prefecture) system by dispatching regional officials to political and military posts. In the 9th year of King Hyeonjong, Goryeo revamped its regional official system and changed 10 units in Jeonju and Naju area into Juup and Sokup system. Juup and Sokup units were larger than Gun and Hyeon units of Silla, and the sizes of the units were various based on the status of regional officials. Juup and Sokup units were aligned with military provinces where Juhyeon-gun(provincial armies) were stationed. Goryeo operated military province through Juup and Sokup system and strived to achieve efficiency in controlling regional areas.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 군현의 구성 변동
 Ⅲ. 군현의 명호 변경
 Ⅳ. 지방 행정체계의 변화
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 김아네스 Kim, Agnes. 순천대학교 지리산권문화연구원 HK교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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