

[Poster Presentation] - Transgenesis / Xenotransplatation

Current Status of Mx2-transgenic Pigs’ Study for the Translational Research



The influenza viruses can be spread from birds to people. In this process, the pig is the intermediate host, and this virus is amplified and produces many mutations in pigs. Therefore, we attempted to develop the influenza-resistant pigs for the study of the virulence test and the transgenic (TG) animal model for translational research. At interferon- α, γ treated cells, the porcine Mx2 protein has been observed near the nuclear envelope and inhibits influenza virus proliferation, but not in common cells. So, we tried to produce the Mx2 gene over-expressed pig by somatic cell nuclear transfer(SCNT).First, we establish the Mx2 gene over expressed cells for the preparation of the TG donor cells. Porcine fetal fibroblasts were transfected with cytomegalo virus vector which include the porcine Mx2 gene. The established transgenic cell was injected into the enucleated ooplasm for the production of the Mx2-TG cloned embryos. Total, 511 female TG porcine SCNT embryos (TG-SCNTembryos) were made. The 511 female TG-SCNT embryos were transferred to five surrogates. On 25 days after embryo transfer, two of female embryos’ surrogates were diagnosed as pregnant (pregnancy rate, 40%). On day 114, we obtained six cloned piglets and four mummies from two of female embryos’ surrogate. Being analyzed by PCR, all female piglets were not integrated with Mx2 gene. Hereby, we again established newly male MX-TG cell line for donor cell of SCNT. 427 male TG-SCNT embryos were made. From these, 38 of male TG-SCNT embryos were cultured in in vitro to confirm the developmental capacity of TG-SCNT embryos. Among these porcine SCNT-TG embryos, 26 embryos (68.4%) were cleaved. Finally, 5 transgenic porcine SCNT embryos (13.2%) developed to the blastocyst stage. All male TGSCNT blastocysts were proved to be integrated with Mx2 gene as PCR analysis. Therefore, we expect that newly birth male piglets will be targeted with MX2 gene. The remaining 389 male embryos were transferred to four surrogates. On 25 days after embryo transfer, one of male embryos’ surrogates was diagnosed as pregnant (pregnancy rate, 25%). Now, pregnant surrogate have maintained at 88 days after embryo transfer and shown more than eight embryonic sacs. This study has presented new possibilities of production of influenza virus resistant pig by SCNT for translational research. * This work was supported by a grant from Next-Generation BioGreen 21 program (# PJ008121), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.


  • Yubyeol Jeon Laboratory of Veterinary Embryology and Biotechnology (VETEMBIO)
  • EuiMan Jung Laboratory of veterinary Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 361-763, Chungbuk, South Korea
  • Yu-Kyung Kim Laboratory of veterinary Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 361-763, Chungbuk, South Korea
  • Seong-Sung Kwak Laboratory of Veterinary Embryology and Biotechnology (VETEMBIO)
  • Seung-A Cheong Laboratory of Veterinary Embryology and Biotechnology (VETEMBIO)
  • Junchul David Yoon Laboratory of Veterinary Embryology and Biotechnology (VETEMBIO)
  • Eui Bae Jeung Laboratory of veterinary Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 361-763, Chungbuk, South Korea
  • Sang-Hwan Hyun Laboratory of Veterinary Embryology and Biotechnology (VETEMBIO)


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