

노인일자리사업 인증제 도입을 위한 정책과제


Policy Agendas for Introducing Accreditation System on the Elderly Employment Programs

이재원, 양기용

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper attempts to figure out the ways in which the elderly employment programs are evaluated and accredited properly. Currently, Korea has experienced very rapid changes toward the aging society. Responding to these socioeconomic changes in Korea, various policies and programs for the elderly, in particular employment policies and programs, have been initiated and implemented expansively. These programs are targeted not only at the marginal group of the elderly persons but also at the ordinary aging group. For the effectiveness and efficiency of these expanded programs, the entire policy process is to be managed more systematically. As one of the policy tools for the systematic management, the accreditation system on the employment programs for the elderly can be considered. This paper reviews the necessity of the accreditation system as well as the pros and cons of the system, and it suggests the policy steps and procedures for the institutionalization of the accreditation system on the employment programs for the elderly in Korea.


[ Abstract ]
 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 노인일자리사업의 관리 수단으로서 인증제에 대한 접근
  1. 노인일자리사업의 급성장과 새로운 관리방식의 필요성
  2. 노인일자리사업에 대한 평가와 과제: 선행연구들
  3. 노인일자리사업 관리 수단으로서 인증제
  4. 서비스분야에서의 인증제 사례
 Ⅲ. 공공분야 노인일자리사업에서 평가인증제도입 구상
  1. 노인일자리사업에서 인증제 도입 목적
  2. 노인일자리 인증제의 순기능
  3. 사업수행기관 인증 구성 요소 정립 시 고려사항
  4. 인증영역과 인증지표의 구성
  5. 인증과정과 절차
 Ⅳ. 노인일자리사업 인증제 실시를 위한 정책과제
  1. 거시적 맥락에 대한 접근
  2. 보편적 사회서비스로서 노인일자리의 자리매김
  3. 인증제에 따른 시설지원의 조건
  4. 단계적 시범사업에서 시작
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 이재원 Lee, Jae won. 부경대학교 행정학과 교수
  • 양기용 Yang, Gi yong. 부경대학교 행정학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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