

Between Liminality and Liminoid : Issues and Dilemma of Northeast Asia


동북아시아의 쟁점과 딜레마

Haangsok Jung

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article reviews discursive issues and dilemma of Northeast Asia substantially rather than theoretically, which makes it possible to highlight the reason why Northeast Asian countries could get not going with each other. Basically this article purports to scaffold a constructive community to reignite in Northeast Asia, discussing outstanding security issues and conflicts and reviewing causes and sources of current conflicts status in the region. Whilst regional states are engaged in multilateral cooperation, in economic and political realms, to a lesser extent, since the early 1990s, yet the level of multilateral cooperation in Northeast Asia remains primitive when compared to that of cooperation in Europe which began in the late 1950s. If so, what are the challenges which will pose practical cooperation for the region? The asiatic thinkings based pressing “we-identity” and “victim mentality” concerns-ridden such as the controversies on history controversy and territorial disputes, the Cross-Straits issue, North Korea’s nuclear issues, and Japanese military plans on the rise of China in particular show that, although moves towards the Asiatic national foreign policy can be observed, transnational biases determined choices that involved the rise of military force. Presumably Northeast Asia should be needed to further increase awareness on the need for setting the regional multilateral cooperation so as to effectively prevent and respond to any crisis that occurs in the region. Presently, it is required of a practical step to promote cooperation among the regional major countries: leave not matters unsettled as it is.




  • Haangsok Jung 정항석. Adjunct Associate Professor, Chonbuk National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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