

『롤랑의 노래 Chanson de Roland』의 번역 : 프랑스 중세 문학작품 번역의 문제


Two Korean Translations of Chanson de Roland: Issues in the Translation of French Medieval Literature.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this study is to address issues in the Korean translations of Chanson de Roland, the most typical chanson de geste in French literature. After comparing the original Chanson de Roland to its translations through a review of the translation texts, explanations, and translators’ notes, I propose a new approach to translating western medieval literature.
In carrying out this research, I examine the current status of Korean translations of Chanson de Roland, the translators’ interpretations of the text, the main translation strategies, and the translated texts themselves. I also investigate the major translation characteristics required for the rendering of Chanson de Roland into Korean. In addition, I point out that the prestige attached to Chanson de Roland is not only due to literary reasons, but to the political background of modern Europe. Furthermore, I assess the challenges of translating medieval French literature by presenting interpretation errors in two Korean translations of this work. I conclude that we must abandon older methods and adopt a radically different approach to the Korean translation of western medieval literature, or even of ancient works. To this end, the translation of such works should develop into a form of literary research that transcends the mere rendering of texts into Korean.


 I. 머리말
 II. 롤랑의 노래 번역본 분석
  1. 롤랑의 노래의 현재 위상과 정치적 배경
  2. 번역본 현황
  3. 원문 텍스트
  4. 제목의 번역
  5. 텍스트 번역의 문제
 III. 중세문학 번역의 과제


  • 김준한 Kim, Junhan. 고려대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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