

중년여성의 호스피스 자원봉사 경험자와 비경험자의 죽음의식과 자아존중감 비교


A Comparative Study on Death Orientation and Self-Esteem between Hospice Volunteer Experience and Hospice Volunteer Non-experience of Middle-Aged Women

박연숙, 이성옥, 홍성애

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was carried out to identify how a middle-aged woman's consciousness of the death and self-esteem was affected by whether the hospice volunteer's experience exist or not. As a form of descriptive research, this study, which is based on a structured questionnaire intended for the 191 middle aged women doing volunteer work at the non-profit women's organization, had been conducted twice from May 10, 2010, to May 21, 2010. The results of my research work is followed ; First, a middle-aged woman's consciousness of the death and self-esteem showed significant differences depending on whether the hospice volunteer's experience exist or not. Experienced hospice volunteer group showed a lower consciousness of the death and a higher self-esteem compared to non-experienced hospice volunteer group's case. Second, in case that the results show a high self-esteem, the consciousness of death reach at the low stage. Especially, the experienced hospice volunteer group showed an opposite correlation compared to non-experienced group. Third, Anyone's consciousness of death appeared at a low level when she had a religion and higher education background. Anyone's self-esteem oriented sense appeared at low level when she didn't have religion but rather appeared at high level when the health status of the targeted group was in a good shape. As a result, the hospice volunteer activities can be assumed to increase the middle-aged woman's self-esteem, therefore, turn the consciousness of death into a positive attitude.


 Ⅰ. 서론
  1. 연구의 필요성
  2. 연구 목적
 Ⅱ. 연구방법
  1. 연구 설계
  2. 연구대상 및 자료수집
  3. 연구도구
  4. 자료 분석
 Ⅲ. 연구결과
  1. 일반적 특성에 따른 호스피스 자원봉사활동 경험자와 비경험자의 차이
  2. 호스피스 자원봉사활동 경험자와 비경험자의 죽음의식과 자아존중감 비교
  3. 호스피스 자원봉사활동 경험자와 비경험자의죽음의식과 자아존중감 상관관계
  4. 일반적 특성에 따른 죽음의식과 자아존중감 차이
 Ⅳ. 고찰 및 결론


  • 박연숙 Yeon-Suk Park. 공주대학교 간호학과
  • 이성옥 Sung-Ok Lee. 공주대학교 간호학과
  • 홍성애 Seong-Ae Hong. 공주대학교 보건행정학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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