

Perspectives on the Parameters of Fictional Reality in Drama


Gi Chan Yang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Perspectives on the Parameters of Fictional Reality in Drama Gi Chan Yang (University of Suwon) The definition of what is ‘fictive’, ‘fiction’ and thus ‘fictional’ today is a definition in constant change. Traditionally, the definition of fictive and what may constitute as fictional, is whether the suggested and proposed is ‘accepted’ as real or the suggested and proposed is ‘considered’ as real. This paper proposes to discern how fictional reality manifests in a dramatic environment, especially in that of the Avant-garde environment. In traditional fictional reality the fictive image that was presented as ‘being’ real was comprehended as such, but in the dramatic reality fictive image created is more psychologically based. In the Avant-garde theater the fictional reality manifests in a different manner, the reality is based on psychology. The fictional reality depends on the universalism in creating on stage the actualness needed. Comparing what is accepted and what may be accepted as real may be suggestive of the difference between traditional fictional reality and dramatic reality: acceptance through recreation of minute details of an actual reality to psychological acceptance of a fictive representation. Avant-garde theaters in this sense opens a new door in the parameters of fictional reality that goes against the traditional methods of defining the fictional reality.


Ⅰ. Perspectives
 Ⅱ. The traditional fictional reality
 Ⅲ. The Avant-garde and the parameters of fictional reality
 Works Cited


  • Gi Chan Yang University of Suwon


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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