


파소도블레(Paso doble)에 대한 춤의 상징


Symbol of the Paso Doble on Dancing

이경숙, 반주은

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study focuses on the symbol at the Paso Doble with any symbol of how and what is its implicit meaning within it the role of dance and sport are jongmokbyeol identify that were explored. Paso Doble in the format and content of the mantle, holding a matador fighting a bull in a bullfight scenes to the story, totally different from other sports as a symbol showing the Paso Doble in this study only those were included in the study. And the Paso Doble to the symbol of the limited representation of the target text by introducing the holistic way in terms of aesthetic nature is revealed. Paso Doble and the thematic core of the symbolic importance of bullfighting with a discussion of the evident analogy of bullfighting and cape. For men tackled the bull matador, the women used to fight cattle and cloaks, the two relationships with symbolic meaning than can be said. In other words, he can dance the title role of the two men into the role of the bullfighter and the bullfighter cape are used as a tool in the role of women, because two symbolic targets. Let me ask you more specifically, a matador and the cape Paso Doble or the focus of the hit. Of men and women focus on different aspects of dance hit. Charged symbol to be effective in a way that can be called. But the problem is like a matador in the bullring is not a confined space, to be tame bull, and no deaths from fighting each other for there is a tool that can be defeated. However, would be shown in Dance Sport competitions, but in reality does not appear Made using the body as an act of courage of men with women between the Paso Doble own indirect way through the symbol of male and female couples is because, reflecting. That is to include a symbol for artistic reflection of reality, which means the reality depicted in art acquired new significance and the fact that another chain was described. And already a new look from its own ttigo will appear on art, will be adopted as one of the argumentation. Based on the discussion of this symbolism Paso Doble Dancing with the study subjects were reviewed in emblems. Paso Doble as a symbol of the artistic sense and opens up the possibility of the kind of jumeuroseo Paso Doble dance as art in the will that holds a deeper symbolism.


Ⅰ. 들어가며
 Ⅱ. 상징에 대한 일반적 견해
 Ⅲ. 파소도블레의 이해
  1. 파소도블레의 역사와 전개
  2. 파소도블레의 심미적 특질
 Ⅳ. 파소도블레의 상징 해석
 Ⅴ. 나오며


  • 이경숙 Lee, Kyung-Sook. 한국체육대학교
  • 반주은 Ban, Ju-Eun. 수원여자대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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