


다문화사회의 문화적응을 위한 다문화교육으로서 여가스포츠 활용


A Study on the Utilization of Leisure Sports as Multicultural Education for Acculturation in a Multicultural Society


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Today South Korea as a multicultural nation has a variety of groups to offer multicultural education to including migrant workers, female marriage immigrants, children of female marriage immigrants, Saeteomins, foreign students of a different nationality studying in the nation, children of mixed blood (Kosians), and overseas Koreans (with a different nationality and culture). This study set out to propose leisure sports activities as a multicultural education method to help them avoid shock from a new culture, promote their natural communication and adaptation, and find happiness in their lives. Comprised of all sorts of sports activities as leisure activities in social space where individuals engage in social and interpersonal interactions, leisure sports make an educational means to help minimize social conflicts, establish psychological stability and cultural homogeneity, and achieve social solidarity and integration. They can serve as a multicultural education approach with easy accessibility at any time, any place and with potential for interaction. Leisure sports have various influences across society including individuals, society, education, and culture. First, they provide a chance for leisure to recover from mental fatigue caused in the process of adaptation to a new culture and society. Second, they reduce stress in the daily process of acculturation. Third, the spaces for sports participation provide a venue for people that have adapted to a new culture to meet and form new interpersonal relationships. Finally, they help individuals achieve self-realization for life satisfaction in a new society and culture.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 다문화사회와 문화적응
 Ⅲ. 다문화교육으로서 여가스포츠
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 황향희 Hwang, Hyang-Hee. 강원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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