

응용논문 (2)

외국인 근로자의 취업생활 만족도 제고를 통한 기업 내 정착지원방안


Establishing Employee Support Program for Foreign Laborers at Company Level by Improving Working Life Condition

정재훈, 오주연

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to draw employee support program at the company level through field survey of foreign laborers' satisfaction level of working life. To analyze the factors that determine working life satisfaction, regression analysis was conducted. Satisfaction level of working hours(t=2.469), living environment(t=2.140), post offices/banks (t=3.024) showed a statistically significant. Also these variables, working hours, living environment, post office/banks are verified to be very important for improving the level of their working life. Through these findings we can understand that employee support activities, providing user-guide of bank and post office, compliance with standards for working hours, improvement of the living conditions (accommodation, meals, etc.), the leisure time program support, the children care support and active utilization of foreign workers and strengthen the educational program, are necessary to improve the satisfaction level of foreign laborers' working life in Korea. It is recommended that managers need to recognize that careful consideration of living and working condition could contribute to stable settlement and increase working life satisfaction for the foreign workers at company level.


 1. 서론
 2. 외국인 근로자 관련 이론적 고찰
  2.1 외국인 근로자의 개념과 현황
  2.2 외국인 근로자의 정책변천 과정
  2.3 외국인 근로자에 대한 선행 연구
 3. 조사설계 및 결과
  3.1 조사설계
  3.2 조사결과
 4. 기업 내 정착지원방안
 5. 결론
 6. 참고문헌


  • 정재훈 Jae-Hoon Jeong. 인하대학교 경영학부
  • 오주연 Ju-Yeon Oh. 인하대학교 경영학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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