

중국의 체제전환 과정에서 토지가격 산정제도


Land Price Assessment System in China and its Implications on North Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



North Korea has promoted an aggressive economy-opening policy with the start of designation of Naji-Seonbong Exclusive Industrial Zone after the collapse of socialist countries in Eastern Europe while South Korea is expanding its economic exchange with North Korea through Mt.Geumgang Tourist Development, and Gaesong Industrial Complex Construction Project . At present, considering the local & overseas environment with which North Korea is faced, North Korea's open-door policy is expected to be more spurred. Should national unification be achieved or their opening be expedited, it may be necessary for us to consider the reasonable price assessment method of the land in North Korea in advance in preparation for further great changes there. China, which is undergoing system transition, has become a model for North Korea's land law and tallage system though a little transformed ; in addition, China's experience in land assessment also had an influence on North Korea's reforming & opening policy. Accordingly, this research is aimed at drawing the implications on North Korea through the land price assessment system of China which is promoting economic reforms through partial open-door policies while maintaining their basic system. Especially, supposing North Korea' economy-opening policy should be more expanded, China's experience in land price assessment such as legislation of land usage rights, concept of the difference on transfer, and evaluation system of real estate price, etc have very big implications on the land price assessment of North Korea. As for the composition of this research, in Chapter II, this research took a survey of the formation process of the land market and land usage right system in China ; in Chapter IV, this research looked at official land price system, price formation of land, and sorts and methods of appraisal & assessment in China. In Chapter V, this research mentioned the implications on North Korea's land price assessment in the light of the cases of China- a nation of system transition.


Ⅰ. 시작하며
 Ⅱ. 중국의 토지시장 형성과정과 사용권제도
 Ⅲ. 공적지가제도 및 토지의 가격구성
 Ⅳ. 중국 감정평가의 종류와 방법
 Ⅴ. 체제전환국가인 중국 사례로 본 북한 토지가격 산정의 시사점


  • 허강무 Heo, Kang-Moo. (재)한국부동산연구원 감정평가연구부장, 법학박사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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