

만다린 속에서의 중세 한국 轉寫音의 위치 ― 《飜譯老乞大》 좌⋅우음과 만다린 방언의 친연성 비교를 통하여


Positioning the Pronunciation of Middle Ages Korean Transcription in the Scope of Chinese Mandarins : in Comparison of Affinity between the Fanyi Laoqida and Other Chinese Mandarins

만다린 속에서의 중세 한국 전사음의 위치 ― 《번역노걸대》 좌⋅우음과 만다린 방언의 친연성 비교를 통하여


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims at two points: First, it tries to find the position of two transcription systems in Fanyi Laoqida in the scope of Chinese Mandarins, in terms of the characters' pronunciation; second, it attempts to determine and understand the characteristics of each group. Various Chinese Mandarin dialects (a.k.a Guanhua) are generally divided into two groups: Northern type and Southern type. For this paper, the author applies biological classification method with pedigree diagram, and concludes that the Middle Ages Korean Chinese (in terms of its Characters' pronunciation) is a kind of pan-regional Mandarin, which is also a sister with the Northern type Mandarin. The author notes that biological classification method with a pedigree diagram has its own limits, when applied to languages such as Mandarin, because the exclusive innovations in languages come from both outside impacts as well.


1. 서: 연구의 목적 및 필요성
 2. 본: 연구 대상, 방법 그리고 쟁점 ― 고금 자료의 동시 분석은 타당한가?
  2-1. 한어(漢語) 방언 연구에 있어서 만다린의 위치
  2-2. 만다린 ― 북부형과 남부형
  2-3. 주의점 ― 위세방언의 영향력
  2-4. 《飜譯老乞大》 좌⋅우음의 만다린 속에서의 위치
 3. 결: 만다린과 중세 한국 轉寫音의 친연성


  • 변지원 Byun, Jiwon. 한국방송통신대학교 중어중문학과 조교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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