Jean Monnet, often in modern history of Europe, is known as "the father of Europe", like people who tried to the first embodiment of European economic integration through the European Coal and Steel Community. However, there are a lot of contradictions when we try to follow his ideological track for European integration. In the processes of European integration, Jean Monnet considered the depth of the French national interests. As this regard, he was different form the European Federalists at his time. Also he was different from the nationalist alike Gaullist at the point of that he tried to overcome the national sovereignty. Most of all he made an effort to the cooperation with the United States for achieving the European integration after the Second World War. Thus, to understand Jean Monnet, I propose three codes, if the first, as the nationalist Jean Monnet for the good of the French country, second, as a father of European integration, Jean Monnet, and finally the Atlantist. Therefore, it is reasonable to define Monnet as "boundary man" between Europe caution and Atlantisme or "The father of Europe", selected by the Cold War. At first glance, his ideological hardship for European integration does not show consistency. But paradoxically, this point makes Jean Monnet useful because today the European integration process represents the interests of national governments by maximize national profits and interests.
II. 코냑지방 상인의 아들에서 국제 활동가로(1888~1938)
III. 2차 대전과 미국에서의 활동(1938~1943)
IV. 냉전, 모네의 미국 커넥션
V. 결론 : 경계인 장 모네