

[러시아 혁명 95주년 기획] ‘페일 엑소더스’ : 러시아 혁명 전후 유대인의 고뇌와 삶

제2차 세계대전과 소련 - 동유럽 유대인 : 반-나치 투쟁과 반유대주의 사이에서


World War II and the Soviet-East European Jews : Their War against Nazi Germany and Anti-Semitism in Soviet Russia


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this essay is to shed light on the hitherto somewhat ignored theme, the participation of the Soviet-East European Jews in the war against Nazi Germany. How this sphere of warfare is entangled to Anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union? That is a topic to be discussed in this study. The author suggests to reflect on this problem in terms of social upheaval that the Russian Revolution brought about. Considering on the Exodus from the Pale of Settlement, the upward social mobility in the 1930's Soviet society, we can get better understanding on following points. How the Soviet jews were able to perform the commanding post in the Red Army? What was the contribution of Jewish scientists, engineers to the victory? What was the significance in discovering the achievements of Jewish war heroes?


I. 머리말
 II. 유대인 출신 소련군, 그리고 유대인의 사회진출
 III. 아래로부터의 반유대주의와 위로부터의 반유대주의
 IV. 나오며


  • 이종훈 Lee, Chong-hoon. 서강대학교 국제지역문화원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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