

[특집 I] 오늘과 내일의 역사학

스토리텔링 역사의 귀환


The Recurrence of Storytelling History


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



According to Heidegger, a human being is a "being in the world(In der Welt Sein)." The world here means the world constructed by stories. Scientists think the world consists of atoms, whereas historians believe the world consists of stories. What historians are groping for in the past is not a fact itself, but a story's structure. Historians rewrite history by rediscovering the story's structure from the past, which E. H. Carr referred to 'an endless conversation between the present and the past.' It is through storytelling that the past gives us meaning. However, the modern historiography which tried to establish history as a scientific discipline developed toward removing narrative history. This narrative history recurred in the mid-1980s when postmodernism proclaimed the end of the grand narrative and microhistory came into the spotlight in this atmosphere. The debate about the 2011 guidelines for writing middle school history textbooks is basically a discursive struggle about how to do the storytelling of modern Korean history. Historical storytelling cannot be single numbered and all the storytelling is political. Therefore, a political discursive fight is inevitable. The key point is how to create a rational communicative relationship in historical contestation. The field for rational communication can be opened up when we hold a discursive contest of 'story versus story' under the assumption that history is a storytelling ending with no correct answer. Writing and teaching history textbooks like the Holy Scripture should be avoided. The recurrence of narrative history is for the Reformation of history education. The educational system which operates through the relationship of teacher as priest and students as laymen and centers around history textbook as the Holy Scripture must be reformed. Storytelling history pursues the universal priesthood in history education. The goal of history education should be set for training students to construct a historical story on their own by communicating with the past through textbook.


I. 호모 나란스로서 인간
 II. 스토리텔링의 힘
 III. 역사가와 그의 이야기로서 역사
 IV. 역사교과서 논쟁과 스토리텔링으로서 역사


  • 김기봉 Kim, Gi-bong. 경기대학교 사학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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