

A Content Network Analysis using Social Media in the Perspective of Information Exchange



The proliferation of using social media and social networking services affects lifestyle of people. These phenomena augment huge size of data based on information exchange and are to be useful to companies which want to promote some new products or services. However it is not easy to find any study to analyze the data of social media in the perspective of information exchange. Moreover the most of prior researches is only focused on measuring the performance in the exhibition using general statistical approaches and piecemeal measures. Therefore, we analyze the characteristics of information exchange in the social media using content network analysis. When is based on shared comment relationship and differences. Through empirical analysis, we can find some interesting characteristics and the significance of social attributes in the perspective of information exchange.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1 Social Media
  2.2 Social Network Analysis
 3. Experimental Setup
  3.1 Overall Procedure
  3.2 Data Acquisition
  3.3 Preprocessing is for Content Network
  3.4 Network Formation
 4. Experimental Results
  4.1 The Global Level
  4.2 The Node Level
 4. Conclusion


  • Ki Mok Ha School of Business Administration, Kyunghee University
  • Yoon Jeong Jeong School of Business Administration, Kyunghee University
  • Hyun Sil Moon School of Business Administration, Kyunghee University
  • Jae Kyeong Kim School of Business Administration, Kyunghee University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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