

An Empirical Study of Consumer’s Intention to Use Mobile Social Network Service



As a way to gather diverse information required for everyday living, the importance of social network has been growing. Social network service has been spreading rapidly because of diffusion of the Internet, evolution of social network sites, and recognition of the importance of social networks. Nowadays, smart phone has taken notice of the phenomenal membership growth of social network services (SNSs). Smart phone is very popular, whereas mobile SNS is at an early stage of development. So, we will conduct an empirical investigation of current mobile social network service users. We will find the critical determinants of mobile SNS use, and analyze the structural relationship between the main variables through empirica study. Among important mobile SNS characteristics that influence information sharing, how each factor influences individuals. Social influence and self-efficacy as behavioral intention, timeliness and interactivity as facilitating conditions, and perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment as a mediating factor based on the mobile SNS-related research, this study analyze how they affect the intention to use. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings will be presented.


 Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. Literature Review
  1. Individual Adoption
  2. TAM
  3. Mobile Social Network Services
 Ⅲ. Research Model and Hypothesis
  1. Research Model
  2. Research Hypotheses
 Ⅳ. Research Method
  1. Operational Definition of Variables
  2. Sample and Data Collection
 Ⅴ. Data Analysis
  1. Validity and Reliability
  2. Structural paths and hypothesis testing
 Ⅵ. Conclusion
  1. Contributions and Implications
  2. Limitations


  • Yan Chen Cooperative Department of Techno-Management, Dongguk University
  • Taesoo Moon Department of Information Management, Dongguk University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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