

기획특집 : 역사도시 서울 - 서울 한양도성

조선 초 都城의 축조와 수도 境界기능


Construction of fortress of Seoul and fuction of designated boundaries of capital In the early Joseon Dynasty

조선 초 도성의 축조와 수도 경계기능


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The fundamental configuration of fortress in Seoul were established through 2 major construction works, supplementary construction works and“ new constructions works”during the reigns of King Taejo ~ King Jeongjong as well as extensive reconstruction works in 1422. Although King Taejo was assertive towards construction of the fortress, King Taejong took passive attitude due to difference in the domestic and foreign circumstances. While the discussions on the expanded construction of the fortress during the reign of King Taejong placed much focus on military objectives, King Sejong emphasized the longevity and aesthetic beauty of the fortress in discussions on reconstruction of the fortress, and the accommodation for the increasing population of the capital city in the discussions on new construction of outer fortress of the capital city were the key focus. After having transferred the capital city to Hanyang, the regions in which Bang(坊) were installed, were designated as the residential sites. That is, division of residential sites was possible only if Bang had been installed. After having determined the outline of the fortress through 1st phase of the construction of fortress during January ~ February 1396, 5 Bu(部) and 52 Bangs were established in the April of that year. Although there were exceptions including Bansong-Bang and Banseok-Bang, the Bangs in Hanyang were distributed in the fortress. It appears that the residential areas in which Bangs were established, clearly illustrates that the political powers recognized the regions as the actual capital territory. The fact that the term‘ Gyeongjungohbu(京中五部)’, which was the regions subjected to apportioning of residential site, was used as the terminology to describe the capital itself as well as was contrasted it with the each of the government offices in the outlying regions(外方各官) was due to the extension of recognition of the people of the time. For these reasons, Sharmans were not allowed to reside within the capital wall, was instructed to reside outside of the fortress. Moreover, the government took measures to prohibit entrance of Buddhist monks into the fortress. The main reason for the weakening of the functions of the fortress walls of the capital city that designated the boundaries of the capital city was the increase in the population of Hanyang. The government implemented 3 measures to cope with the increasing population, namely, new construction of outer fortress walls, enforcement of role and functions of Hansungbu(漢城府), and expansion of the domain of the Bangs into the outside of fortress. However, as the national sentiment on the new construction of outer fortress walls began to lose their realistic significance in the mid stage of the King Sejong’reign, the aspect of reinforcement of the role of Hansungbu as a measure to expand the domain of Bang was realized as a part of the policy to ‘reinforce the jurisdiction of Sungjeoshipri(城底十里)’. During the times of King Taejo ~ King Taejong, Gwonnong(觀農) and Bang- Byeolgam(坊別監) was the personnel in charge of the administration of Seongjeoshipri. In the latter period of the King Taejong, government began to deploy Gwanlyeong(菅領) as it has done for the Bangs within the capital city. Moreover, the government transferred the Sungjeoshipri ’Gwanlyeong as a part of bureaucracy by granting Cheajik(遞兒職) in 1428. As residential sites within the fortress the began to run out, the government, in 1424, divided the Sungjeoshipri into northern and southern regions of the downstream of the ravine outside of the fortress, and transferring the jurisdiction of the northern region into Sungshin-Bang and Inchang-Bang of Dong-Bu, and the jurisdiction of the southern region into Yesung-Bang and Sungshin-Bang of Nam-Bu. The government, in earnest, executed expansion of the domain of Bang into regions outside capital wall. Measures to reinforce the jurisdiction of Hansungbu on Sungjeoshipri continued to be implemented, and, eventually, Sungjeoshipri was officially confirmed as a part of capital region by apportioning the Seongjeoshipri into the administrative jurisdiction of the neighboring 5 Bu in 1461.


I. 머리말
 II. 조선 초 도성의 축조와 증축 논의
  1. 태조~정종대 도성 축조
  2. 태종~세종대 도성 개축과 증축 논의
 III. 조선 초 도성의 수도 境界기능과 그 약화
  1. 도성의 수도 경계 기능
  2. 도성의 수도 경계 기능의 약화
 V. 맺음말


  • 김웅호 Kim, Woong-Ho. 서울시사편찬위원회 전임연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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