The high dependence of information technologies in the organizations leads to an increase in threat of security. Therefore, organizations need to be aware of the importance of Security Risk Management (SRM) and to have intention to develop SRS for competitive. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the influences of inter-organizational and external-organizational factors on the awareness of SRM and intention to develop SRM. Particularly, this study suggests the impacts of the inter-organizational characteristics, including IT capability, organizational agility, employee’ participation and experience of security risks affecting awareness of SRM and intention to develop SRM. This study also indicates influence of the externalorganizational characteristics, including level of competition, partner dependence, IT intensity and IT volatility. Furthermore, this research examined SRM performance strategies, in terms of the difference between industries (technology-intensive industry/ non-technologyintensive industry).The implication of this study suggests a new theoretical framework explaining awareness of SRM, intention to develop SRM and performance of SRM.
1. 서론
2. 악성코드 유포 사이트 탐지 기술
2.1. 서버기반 허니팟
2.2 클라이언트 허니팟
2.3 점검 대상의 한계
3. 효과적인 SUB-URL 악성행위 점검 기술
3.1 웹 페이지 분석을 통한 SUB-URL 수집
3.2 네트워크 트래픽 분석을 통한 SUB-URL 수집
3.3 기존 방식을 통한 SUB-URL 점검 성능
3.4 개선된 기술을 이용한 SUB-URL 점검
3.5 타 시스템과의 성능 비교
4. 결론 및 향후 연구