

보험사기에 관한 실태와 대응방안


A Study on present situation of insurance crime and finding out effective easures against it

배철효, 양경규

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Insurance contract is promise by one person to pay another money or any other thing of value upon the happening of a fortuitous event, beyond the effective control of either party, in which the promise has an interest apart from the contract. This study concentrates on showing the present insurance crime in Korea and finding out effective methods to avoid it. Each kind of insurance is occurring very often in economic crime of being the nearest, especially insurance fraud's events cheating claim paid are raised their's head as a big hazard cause in economic order and private live. In spite of this insurance crime's increment, not only our country hasn't still special institute studying manslaughter or insurance fraud but also hasn't still study about insurance crime in the light of criminology and criminal policy and insurance crime in the light of criminology and criminal policy and insurance industry has only scheme to prevent claim paid's water leakage. This study as whole is constituted of five chapters including an introduction and conclusion. Contents are like as followings. In the second chapter, I have examined the meaning connected with insurance crime and the present condition connected with our insurance business, the causes and characteristics of insurance crime and the types of insurance crime. In the third chapter, I have investigated the statistical date about insurance crime and the specific characters of insurance crime, insurance offender, and victims with the analysis concerning the news report materials. I have compared the present condition, prevention method and legislations of insurance crime each other among foreign countries. In the fourth chapter, I have illustrated the problems about present countermeasures of insurance crime and the lack of legislative method which is to prevent insurance crime. I have presented our country's countermeasures about problems of insurance crime in the fifth chapter. Finally, the reasonable prevention method against the insurance crime get to be achieved with the insurance company's management, the company's co-endeavour and establishment of information exchange system, the active cooperative attitude of investigating authorities. In the future, there should be legislations of criminal penalty against insurance crime.


보험사기란 보험금의 편취를 목적으로 허위의 보험계약을 체결하거나 사고를 위장하거나 송금의 조작에 의해 과대한 보험금을 청구하는 등의 부정행위를 말한다. 이러한 보험사기는 비윤리적, 비도덕적 행위를 동반하는 경우가 많기 때문에 사회윤리와 가치관의 붕괴 등 사회전체의 문제로까지 비화될 수 있고, 최근 들어 보험사기발생률이 급증하고 있으며, 대규모의 조직적인 범죄형태로까지 발생한다는 데 그 문제의 심각성이 있다


  • 배철효 Chul Hyo Bae
  • 양경규 Kyung Kyoo Yang


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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