This study took a look at the Busan music culture in the early 20th century with focus on the articles related to music printed in the Busan Ilbo by dividing it into each period and genre. It can be summed up as follows: In the 1910s, there was often held "yogokhoi"-Japanese vocal music society while Western music was insignificant in its activities. The Japanese music at that time featured the playing of gong, lute, Shakuhachi[a kind of Japanese pipe],traditional string instruments, etc. Most of the music stages were held centering on the present Busan theater, and Busan public girls' high school and private Busan girls' practice school were playing a key role in holding the music concert. In addition, the Japanese stage art- the kabuki made its first appearance at that time, and in 1915, the piano music was performed in Busan public girls' school, so the influx of the piano in Busan was made presumably before or after 1915. It is believed that In the 1920s, musical activities were brisker than its previous period, and the number of the times of music concerts increased as well. In addition, the contents of music concerts featured vocal music including operas, mezzo soprano, baritone, etc. Further, harmonic music was gaining popularity with the harmonic music catching on, and it was at that time that the gisaeng music at gwonbeon[gisaeng exchange]was introduced. Particularly, it is really an unusual thing that the troupe of gisaeng went on an overseas music tour even in Japan. In addition, foreign musicians visited Korea to give a music performance in Busan, and musical instrument shops and daily papers once sponsored the music concerts. In the 1930s, the whole society was shrunk due to the Japanese empire's extermination policy against the Korean people and plunging into a war footing. Thus, the musical activities at this period were less brisk than the previous period. Yogok was prevalent and harmonica music still remained popular, so even its self-teaching book was compiled. It was in the 1930s that a cellist made first appearance. With the opening of the Busan Radio broadcasting, it began to relay the military songs and Western music aired by the Central Broadcasting. In addition, as an unusual thing, the gisaeng from Dongrae gisaeng exchange appeared on the radio to play a court music formed by geomungo, gayageum, yanggeum, and danso while the gisaeng at Bongrae gisaeng exchange at Youngju-dong played jeokbeokga and gayageum sanjo among pansori. Additionally, Busan gisaeng exchange at Choryang did indirect music activities by sponsoring of music concerts or dance performance. As mentioned above, during the Japanese colonial era, the focus of the music culture in Busan was on the transplant of Japanese culture into Korea centering on Japanese society. Subsequently, a new sect of "yogokhoi" was active and it once occupied the largest portion of performance of all music concerts. In addition, after the 1920s, the Western music was revitalized. At that time, the Japanese traditional instrument 'shakuhachi' and Western instrument violin music was much performed. Traditional music was retained mostly by the gisaeng at gisaeng exchange, especially by Dongrae gisaeng exchange and Bongrae gisaeng exchange whose musical activities were noticeable. Ultimately, the introduction of the military songs and Western music through the radio broadcasting brought about an indiscriminate culture clash beyond the limit of district and objects.
본 연구는 20세기 초 부산음악문화를 부산일보의 기사 색인을 참고하여 그 음악적 양상을 살펴보았다. 첫째, 1910년대는 일본 성악인 요곡회가 자주 열렸으며, 양악은 그 활동이 미미하였다. 1910년의 일본음악은 쟁(箏)․비파(琵琶)․척팔(尺八)․금(琴) 등이 주로 연주되었다. 대부분 음악회의 무대는 부산좌를 중심으로 열렸으며, 부산공립고등여학교와 사립부산실습여학교가 주축이 되어 음악회를 열었음을 알 수 있다. 일본의 무대예술인 가무기(歌舞伎)가 첫 선을 보이기 시작하였으며, 1915년 피아노가 부산공립여학교에서 연주되고 있었으므로 부산에서 피아노 유입은 1915년 전후로 볼 수 있다. 둘째, 1920년대는 전 시대에 비하여 음악적 활동이 활발하였으며, 연주회의 횟수도 늘어났음을 알 수 있다. 그리고 연주주체가 다양화되었고, 음악회의 내용도 오페라․메조소프라노․바리톤의 출연으로 다양해 졌다. 하모니카의 음악이 유행하여 대중적 인기를 얻고 있었으며, 권번의 기생들의 음악이 소개되기 시작한 것도 이 때의 일이다. 그리고 그들이 일본에까지 해외공연을 다녔다는 것은 무척 이채로운 현상이었다. 그리고 외국 음악가가 내한하여 부산공연에서 공연을 가지기도 하였으며, 악기점이나 일간지들이 음악회를 후원하기도 하였다. 셋째, 1930년대는 일제의 한국민족말살정책과 전시체제돌입으로 사회전체가 위축되었다. 그러므로 전대에 비해 음악회가 활발히 이루어지지 않았다. 요곡이 다시 유행하였고, 하모니카음악은 인기가 여전하여 자습서가 편찬되었다. 또한 부산에서 첼로연주자가 처음 등장한 것이 이때의 일이다. 부산라디오가 개국하여 군가․양악 등의 중앙방송을 중계하기 시작하였다. 또한 이례적인 일로 동래권번기생들이 라디오에 출연하여 현금(거문고)․가야금․양금․장고․단소로 편성된 정악을 들려주었으며, 영주동의 봉래권번의 기생들은 판소리 중 적벽가와 가야금산조을 들려주었다. 또한 초량의 부산권번은 음악회와 무용회의 후원으로 간접적인 음악활동을 하였다.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 일제 강점기 부산의 음악문화
1. 시대별 음악문화
2. 분야별 음악문화
Ⅲ. 맺음말