

일본과 한국의 헌병제도 ‘도입’ 과정을 둘러싼 문무관 대립 양상




피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research aims to deduct the differences and similarities in the introduction of Korean and Japanese military police system, through a compared study in the conflicting aspects of civil and military functionaries. There are many similarities in the situation in which Japan was introduced the military police system from France and that of Korea 30 years later when ‘military police institution’ was adopted through Japan. First, it was a time where there were harsh reactions against the administration and Japan desperately needed more police force to seize control of public order. In addition, there were financial difficulties in expanding the force. The fact that such help was asked for to the military police and having granted them extensive police authority, the cause of conflict between military and civil officers are considered a similarity. Moreover, the military police operation was not yet established as well. On the other hand, there also exist differences. First of all, the military police system was introduced relatively earlier in Japan than Korea. Since it was a foreign new system that was to be adopted, there was a lack of proper understanding in the role of military police which lead to criticism such as, ‘military police installment is doubled police institution.’ In comparison, when the military police system was introduced to Korea, there was already some experience in trial and error from their home country and their first colony, Taiwan. After ‘temporary military police’ was dispatched, ‘public order maintenance’ was carried out in Korea and therefore criticism was focused on over-extensive police authority and its abuse. There are also differences depending on whether it was home country or colony or occupied territory. In Japan, where modern state was claimed to be supported by Meiji Restoration, police authority of military police in civilian matters were finally limited to emergency. However, those places where military authority had strong influence such as Korea, which was in the process of colonization, military police was able to take explicit military characteristics of semi-martial law form in their reign that was centered around the likeness to public order maintenance. Moreover, the establishment of military discipline which was military authorities’ most important reason at the time when Japan was promoting the introduction of military police system was not a considerable issue in Korea.




I. 머리말
 II. 헌병제도 ‘도입’ 배경
 III. 헌병제도 ‘도입’에 대한 문관측의 반발
 IV. 맺음말


  • 이승희 동국대학교 일본학연구소 전임연구원, 일본근대사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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