


인간의 성(sexuality)에 대한 복음주의적 관점에서의 재조명


Revisitation of Human Sexuality from a Pastoral Theological Perspective


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The human sexuality of male and female is a God’s special creation in which God makes the human race continue to exist on earth. Sexuality helps the husband and his wife experience physical and spiritual union, which was embodied in the relationship between Jesus Christ and his church. St. Augustine regards a strong sexual desire as a result of the human Fall. He believes that any sexual relationship without an intention of childbirth is sin. Aquinas recommends a celibate life as being purer than marriage. They commonly warn against ‘excess’ of sexual desire or pleasure in a person’s life because it is against the natural law and the human reason. However, John Calvin claims that human sexuality is a God’s gift for family, so the husband and his wife have to enjoy the sexual union instead of feeling guilty about the experience. A sexual union among Christian couples is a lifelong process of knowing each other widely, deeply and holistically. Agape love can never replace the love of eros in the family, so sexual union among married couples must be more encouraged than be condemned not without sensitive cautions.


 I. 여는 글
 II. 펴는 글
  1. 성적 쾌락에 대한 거부감 : 어거스틴과 토마스 아퀴나스
  2. 하나님이 주신 선물로서의 성 : 칼빈
  3. 성에 대한 경고의 재발견 : 마태복음 5 : 27 - 28 에서의 성적 욕구와 간음
  4. 성의 오용과 앎으로서의 성
  5. 앎의 완성으로서의 성과 그 회복
 III. 닫는 글


  • 하재성 Jaesung Ha. 고려신학대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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