The Study on the Understanding of Children in Multicultural Family of Korea and Christian Counseling in Church
About 10 years ago, Korean society need the foreigner’s helping. There are many kinds of the problem of agricultural men’s marriage and decrease of labor population in Korea society. This is the reason: now a days Korea become the multicultural society with alliens people. Gradually, Korean society has the severe problems as the multicultural society. Moreover, multicultural family’s Children have many kinds of problems in their school. Among the problem of them, the worst problem is the school maladjustment. We must understand their background of family life and their psychological needs. Furthermore, it is very important to help their problem in their school. Within the Christian counseling, multicultural family will receive the helping. This study will give the understanding about their psychological needs, state and condition of them. Also this study will give explanation about helping with the christian counseling in the church. On behalf of helping to solve the school maladjustment problem for the multicultural family’s children, church will be able to take charge the role as the family supports to get their ego-resilience with christian counseling. Therefore, many kind of helping with christian counseling in the church will be able to offer the ego-resilience as the family supports.
I. 여는 글
II. 펴는 글
1. 다문화 가정 아동의 성장 환경
2. 다문화 가정 아동교육의 문제점
3. 한국의 다문화 가정을 향한 기독교 상담적 접근
III. 닫는 글