


목회적 과제로서의 통전적 예배에 관한 구상 - 예배와 목회상담의 접점 -


Thoughts on the Holistic Worship as a Pastoral Task : A Point of Contact between Worship and Pastoral Counseling


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research is to find a point of contact between worship and pastoral counseling. It is to explore ways in which worship can contribute to pastoral counseling, pastoral counseling to ministry. Pastoral counseling may face possibilities of losing bigger perspectives on the ministry due to the limited scope on overly narrow theme and on the one􀀎on􀀎one relationship; worship may face possibilities of weakened attention to the spiritual care of each Christian. This researcher will discuss pastoral ministry, which is an another dimension of ministry, pastoral care, the concept of pastoral counseling, and furthermore, conceives a holistic worship through the medium of healing, sustaining, guiding and reconciling, which are what significantly constitute a shepherding. Through this application, the principles of pastoral counseling can be applied in worship; by the virtue of macroscopic meaning, worship provides a field for pastoral counseling and contributes to the effectiveness of pastoral counseling. In reality what pastoral counseling seeks, which includes the relationship between human beings and God, urging for repentance toward healing, spirituality which is an important pillar of pastoral counseling and resource, the source of true eschatological hope, is worship itself. Therefore, worship is a realm that indispensible and precious resources are offered for the effectiveness of pastoral counseling.


 I. 여는 글
 II. 펴는 글
  1. 예배의 정의에 대한 논의
  2. 목회사역, 목회돌봄, 목회상담의 상호관계
  3. 목양(shepherding)의 구성요소와 통전적 인간이해
  4. 목회의 과제를 위한 통전적 예배의 구상
 III. 닫는 글


  • 강용원 Yong-WonKang. 고신대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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