A Study on Christian Educational Approach for Enhancement of Resilience of Youth in Crisis in Church
The purpose of this research is to investigate for the possibility of Christian educational counseling approach in order to help Christian youth in crisis to adjust and function more effectively in churches, families, schools and society by improving resilience, which is their inner resource to overcome and recover from crisis or problem situations in their lives. Based on the understanding on the youth in crisis and resilience, this researcher outlined the possibility of Christian educational counseling and its methodology, and then finally surveyed educational counseling approach to the Christian youth’s crisis and their response modality. This research categorized 5 types of crisis situations in the youth’s life: family/relational crisis, educational/vocational crisis, psychological/emotional crisis, social/cultural crisis, and spiritual/faith life crisis. By dealing with educational counseling approach to these crisis situations from the three dimensions, which are therapeutic-oriented response, growth-oriented response, and prevention-oriented response, this research seeks to secure the possibility of educational counseling in churches where they can help and improve the resilience of the Christian youth in crisis and thereby suggest specific educational counseling programs and methods.
I. 여는 글
II. 펴는 글
1. 위기청소년
2. 자아탄력성의 개념 및 특징
3. 기독교 교육상담의 의미와 특성
4. 위기청소년의 자아탄력성 증진을 위한 기독교 교육상담
III. 닫는 글