


노년기의 분노에 대한 성경적 상담 방안


Biblical Counseling Methods for Anger in the Elderly


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this study is to propose Biblical counseling methods based on Reformed theology, rather than counseling methods based on psychological theories, as Christian counseling methods for problems regarding anger in the elderly, who are emerging as neglected populations in modern society at a time of an imminent aged society. Toward this end, the definition and the characteristics of the elderly were examined above all. An increase in tendencies for depression, introversion, and passivity, changes in perceptions of gender roles, and a rise in rigidity and cautiousness were observed in the elderly. The causes of anger in the elderly, in particular, included problems regarding health, financial conditions, and social maladjustment, and a conceptual understanding of anger was examined. To propose Biblical counseling methods for anger in the elderly, a theological understanding of Biblical counseling was looked into first, and then Biblical counseling methods and anger presented in the Bible were suggested. First, get rid of bitterness. Second, let yourselves witness the time limits of anger. Third, protect your mind from anger. Fourth, tell yourselves that there are things that you must rid yourselves of. Fifth, let yourselves know that forgiveness is the way to overcome your anger. It was highlighted that such changes can be made within the history of the Bible, which is the word of God, and the Holy Spirit.


 I. 여는 글
 II. 펴는 글
  1. 노년기 에 대한 이해
  2. 노년기의 분노의 원인
  3. 분노의 개념적 이해
  4. 노년기 분노에 대한 성경적 상담 방안
 III. 닫는 글


  • 전형준 Hyung Joon Jun. 백석대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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