

He and Kutul


Kang, Nam-Kil

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kang, Nam-Kil. “He and Kutul.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 38.2 (2012): 151-170. The purpose of this paper is to provide the empirical bases for analyzing the Korean plural pronoun kutul ‘they’ as equivalent to the English singular pronoun he. Our analysis is motivated by the observation that the English singular pronoun he which functions as a bound variable is semantically equivalent not to the Korean singular pronoun ku ‘he’ but to the Korean plural pronoun kutul ‘they’. To test our analysis, we first show that the plural overt pronoun kutul ‘they’, unlike the singular overt pronoun ku ‘he’, can induce a bound variable reading. A sloppy reading in surface anaphora also provides confirmation that the Korean plural pronoun kutul ‘they’ can be interpreted as a bound variable. Second, we demonstrate that the Korean plural pronoun kutul ‘they’ can be a bound variable since the Korean plural morpheme tul functions as a dependent term which induces a bound variable reading and a group reading. The problem of Korean variable binding lies in the fact that Condition B is irrelevant to Korean pronouns. More specifically, the Korean singular pronoun ku ‘he’ which is linked to a QP/WH antecedent behaves like R-expressions in English in that it strictly obeys Condition C. Accordingly, as an alternative to replace the standard Binding Theory, we suggest the Singular Pronoun Constraint to describe the difference in interpretative behavior between Korean singular and plural pronouns. (Far East University)


 I. Introduction
 II. Ku and Kutul
 III. Sloppy Identity and the Plural Morpheme Tul
 IV. Binding Theory and Pronouns
 V. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Kang, Nam-Kil Far East University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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