

샐린저의 「테디」: 한 손으로 손뼉치기의 화두 풀이


“An Uncovered One hand clapping koan in Salinger’s “Teddy”.”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Shim, Sang Wook. “An Uncovered One hand clapping koan in Salinger’s “Teddy”.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 38.2 (2012): 89-105. Salinger’s “Teddy”(1953) in Nine Stories is the first chance to meet Orientalized persona by a Zen koan, which is “We know the sound of two hands clappings. But what is the sound of one hand clapping?” “Teddy” is composed of a dialogue between the ten-year-old child prodigy Teddy McArdle and a skeptical education professor Bob Nicholson. Though some critics saw the title character of Teddy as an obnoxious, psychotic brat. a astute reader recognized that Salinger was sympathetic to Teddy’s a Vedantic vision of life, and later critics recognized that God-seeker Teddy is the prototype from the re-designed Seymour in the Glass Family Series. Meditation is a direct challenge to our narrow rationalistic habits, and education also should be based on meditation since Zen is an anti-rational Buddhist sect which means meditation. and koan is central to the Zen practice. Accordingly Salinger’s Oriental religious ideas have made him an important figure showing Teddy’s reincarnation in the Oriental religion, (Jeonju University)


 I. 머리말
 II. 컨텍스트 틀과 그의 텍스트 읽기
 III. 테디의 한 손으로 손뼉치기 화두 풀이
 IV. 마무리


  • 심상욱 Shim, Sang Wook. 전주대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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