

일반 주제 논문

통번역대학원의 통역 수업 모형 - 협력학습 중심의 영한 순차통역 강의 연구


In Search of a Teaching Model for Graduate-Level Conference Interpreter Training - Focusing on Collaborative Learning in the English-into-Korean Consecutive Interpreting Classroom. Interpreting

곽중철, 홍설영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Graduate-level conference interpreting training in Korea has existed for over three decades. And yet, not enough has been discussed on the specific contents and methods of interpretation teaching and learning. That is to say, a prototype for interpretation pedagogy has yet to be established for current and future teachers' reference. However, this much is known: Because interpreting skills can only be acquired by the practice-makes-perfect method, a typical interpreting session naturally comprises hands-on training followed by critiquing. Given that students as a group engage in discussions throughout the class in seeking optimal solutions to issues ranging from content anticipation to interpretation product evaluation, collaborative learning is at the center of the interpretation classroom. But there is a greater need for scholarly discussion on the specifics and dynamics of interaction among students leading to effective learning within the framework of collaborative learning. The current study presents basic guidelines for the English-into-Korean consecutive interpreting class with particular focus on group brainstorming and peer assessment as the two main forms of collaborative classroom activity. The study covers potential hindrances to collaborative knowledge construction, role division among students, and teacher's session management according to time allotment. It concludes with a speech text sample presenting areas of consideration for participants of collaborative learning activities in the interpreting class.


 1. 머리말
 2. 협력학습과 통역교육
 3. 영한 순차통역 수업의 실제
  3.1. 수업 목표 및 시간 배분
  3.2. 순차통역을 위한 수업 준비
  3.3. 수업 초반의 통역 준비
  3.4. 통역 실습 및 동료 평가
 4. 연설문 예시로 본 브레인스토밍과 동료 평가의 고려사항
 5. 맺음말
 부록 1: 영문 연설문 전문


  • 곽중철 한국외국어대학교
  • 홍설영 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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