

국어 로마자 표기의 사용상 혼란 원인에 관한 고찰


A Study on the Causes of Confusion and Inconsistency in Using Korean Romanization


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to identify causes for the failure to successfully implement Korean Romanization System since the National Institute of the Korean Language proclaimed the government Revised Romanization System in 2000. In reality, more confusion and inconsistencies have increased with time. The findings of this paper itemize the causes into four categories from general linguistic point of view. The first is that the system has caused confusion among users by regarding Romanization system as an English writing system. The second is that the system requires the users to understand the phonetic forms in which most of the Korean phonological rules are applied. The third is correspondence between Romanized letters and the Korean alphabet, which causes confusion among users in that the Korean alphabet is represented into diversified and complicated Roman letters. The fourth is that no balance is kept in delineating phonetic representations in terms of phonetic and phonemic transcription. To ensure the stable use of Korean Romanization System, it is critical that these four problems be raised. The problems discussed in this paper will be helpful not only to stabilize the system but also for system revision and usage


 1. 머리말
 2. 영문 표기와 로마자 표기간의 문제
  2.1. 안내 표기의 영어 설명어 추가방식
  2.2. 기관이나 장소의 영어식 표기법
  2.3. 음식용어의 영어식 표기법
 3. 발음법칙 적용으로 인한 문제
  3.1. 동화현상과 표기
  3.2. 받침 발음 규칙의 음소 교체 문제
  3.3. 사이시옷 표기 원칙 문제
 4. 로마자 표기의 문자기능 문제
  4.1. 로마자 표기의 음소변화
  4.2. 음성 표기의 범위
 5. 결론


  • 전홍식 Chon Hong-sik. 영산대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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